Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Travelling Doll Project - Miss Rosie Pimlico

Last time I told how I signed up for ADO's Travelling Doll Project. I scultped the beginning of a doll, Nadia, then sent her off with her journal on her first of four more stops around the world.

After Nadia went on her journey to find herself, I received in the mail Miss Rosie Pimlico, of Wales. Definitely a girl with an eye for the finer things in life. Miss Rosie was started by Yve Hooson, a wonderful cloth doll maker.

Miss Rosie and I chatted for awhile, and I quickly realized she had a love for beads & accessories. So I fitted her in a beaded top with extra poofy sleeves, stitched up a little purse, and then sent her on to her next stop in California. I should note that when she came from Wales, she couldn't do without hot tea in fine china every morning - but by the time she left the South, this girl was a sweet tea addict! Ahh, another convert. :)

This was the first time I have ever worked on a doll of this size, and while it was fun, boy - was I stressed! For more pictures and the complete story of Miss Rosie's time in Georgia, visit the official Traveling Doll Project blog, and my report on this round of the TDP.

Next time, I'll report on round 3 - my adventures with Aiden, the dragon child!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ADO Travelling Doll Project

Late last year, I signed up to be part of a Travelling Doll Project with the doll-makers' group, Art Dolls Only. I tried not to think about what a huge challenge it would be for me, considering that the dolls I make are MINIATURE, and I'd be working on several LARGE dolls (for me, anything over 5 inches is massive).

Basically, I made the beginnings of a doll, then sent her on to the next person on my team. She added whatever she wanted, then sent the doll on to the next person. And so it goes until my doll has been in the hands of each of my 4 other team mates. When I get her back in June, she will be completed, and 5 doll artists (including myself) will have worked on her. While my doll is winging her way around the country and world, each of my other team mates has been sending their dolls around, also. So, we have 5 different dolls making the rounds, and each person will end up with the doll that she originally started. Got it? Good.

We've been at this since January, and here's what happened on the first round of the TDP:

Travel over to Art Dolls Only Travelling Doll Project Blog for my report on the doll I made to send out, Nadia. If you have time, look through the blog! There are several teams going right now, and the dolls are fabulous!